Body Shaming


What is this? Body shaming is the act of deriding or mocking a person's physical appearance.

The media has commonly portrayed overweight characters as the running joke of the show, resulting in “fat jokes” known as body shaming. This can be a form of bullying that can result in severe emotional trauma, especially at a young age. Body shaming is done by parents, siblings, friends, enemies, and schoolmates and is often portrayed in the media.

Extensive levels of body-shaming can have negative emotional effects, including a reduction in self-esteem and other issues such as eating disorders, anxiety, and depression.

Typically, people are body shamed when they appear overweight or underweight or don't fit society's view of “thin and beautiful”. Our culture loves the ideology of a perfect body, whether it be in print, movies, television, or online, seeing someone who doesn't fit the mould isn't considered acceptable to some.

It now has been official that Thin is beautiful and Fat is ugly! It isn't their fault that their body is different. Why should they face all the difficulties in life?

If you are too thin people ask whether you eat food or not. If you are too fat people ask you to diet. People should stop criticising.


1) Ignore what people say and Live your life
2) Strangers don't pay for your food You can eat what you want and whatnot.
3) Typical society needs to understand that all bodies are beautiful.
4)  Do something that makes you feel better.


1) Don't interfere in their personal matters 

2) Stop badmouthing and comparing people

3) Encourage all types of bodies

4) Support everyone

- Mrinali Bhat


  1. Truly appreciate your views on Body Shaming. In fact, many of us, might have experienced at some point of our lives. Be Bold.... Live and Enjoy Life, your way.

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback.

    2. Mrinali very well written....its really very nice to know that youngsters today think about such sensitive issues....kudos
      All the best
      Btb iam Vaishnavi your aunt's friend

  2. Mrinz, Nice lines you written Concern for other's is a good quality in you. I conclude this as Accept People as they are. And Do not become football of other opinion.

    1. Yes, The conclusion For the blog is Accept People as they are and not by their appearance.
      Thank you for the feedback.


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