The Pink Tax

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue why are taxes Pink?

I was scrolling through social media until I noticed a new tax called the pink tax. I was curious about it and started my quick research then I found out that:

The pink tax refers to gender-based price discrimination where women are made to pay more than men for same products and services. 

Pink tax is a global phenomenon. It has been found that women pay at least twice as much than men in more than half the time they shop. 

I’ve always noticed how female products and services are costlier than that of men? How by just giving products delicate looks and usually turning them into pink act as a catalyst for the companies to attract more money? 

Pink Tax’, as the name suggests has something to do with women. People have associated colours to certain genders like Pink is for Girls and Blue is for Boys which is completely abnormal. People think it’s idea of ‘pink is feminine’ into little girls’ minds – it’s a vicious cycle of reinforcing the stereotypes about the colour and its relation to gender.

It’s totally unfair and discriminatory if as women – or as someone who purchases products marketed to women – are made to pay extra for a pink/delicate razor instead of a blue one. Also, it’s a double whammy for us women as we already earn less due to the apparent wage gap

Here are some ways in which we can avoid being a victim of pink tax in particular and capitalism in general.

1)    Create awareness about the pink tax

2)    Use the mass media to protest against and boycott the discriminatory products/ brands.

3)    Buy more gender-neutral items when shopping for toys, razors, shampoos, deodorant, etc.

4)    Support companies who are taking a stand against the pink tax with gender-neutral pricing.

Thank you for reading.


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