Normalize Equality

Why do most families in rural areas prefer to have boy babies rather than girl babies? Why do you think they teach only girls to do household work but not the boys? This is gender inequality—a social phenomenon in which men and women are like the name suggests, not treated equally. In a lot of houses, girls are discouraged from wearing shorts at home, while boys aren’t judged by what they wear. People typically make sarcastic jokes which make girls feel insecure. When will you get married? You won't get a boy if you marry after the age of 25

Why is it “Beti Bachao, Beti Padao” but not “Beto ko izzat dena Sikhao”?

Teach men to respect women. There are documented cases of women being thrown out of their homes when unable to produce a male child—which isn’t the woman’s fault! The belief that the mother is responsible for the gender of the baby is completely wrong.


Girls have been told not to go outside their homes after dark or are given a strict curfew to follow. This doesn’t seem to apply to boys. Girls are also made to sit demurely, talk politely, and only wear “acceptable” clothes, while their counterparts are left free to behave or talk as they would. Society says, “He’s a guy, he can do anything he wants,” but girls are more restricted in their actions.

A girl prioritizing her own needs over others is considered selfish, making her struggle to make independent choices. Instead of complaining about prejudices, remember Mahatma Gandhi’s words, and be the change you want to see in the world.

Society looks down upon girls who befriend multiple boys, whereas boys who befriend many girls are respected as “cool” and “macho”

When does this end? When will people treat all the genders equally? Society badmouths the girl when her partner performs household work like it’s a crime. No, it is called sharing responsibilities. We need to stop assigning stereotypical gender roles. In this modern age, men do not belong to solely to the office, and women solely to the home. Both genders have the right to live their lives the way they see fit, and not the way archaic societal norms dictate.

We live in a society where girls are taught to be safe and cautious but one that neglects teaching boys what not to do. Gender roles are a thing of the past; the new century is all about understanding and respecting each other—and living in a state of mutual cooperation.

Therefore, I'd like to conclude with a quote:

"Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all kinds of oppression."

-Mrinali Bhat


  1. Good one Mrinali, but till boys are taught to respect all women folk, the only alternative for girls is to be cautious and safe.

  2. Very mature and well written thoughts. Instead of telling our grlz what not to do.. it's time we teach our boys how to behave!!. To be Respectful and responsible.
    Keep writing.

  3. Superb Mrinali. How long to tolerate this ? Keep writing little girl.


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